The Future of Smart Mirror Technology

Short for Smart Ass Mirror Utilizing Echo Listening, SAMUEL is a first of its kind smart mirror personal assistant. 

S.A.M.U.E.L. is powered by a Raspberry Pi 4. This, along with a 24 inch LCD display, is housed inside the wooden framing behind a two way mirror. All of this combined allows for the display screen to be visible to the user, while also maintaining the reflectivity of the mirror.

SAMUEL was developed on a modular, open source platform using primarily Node.js, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

SAMUEL came online 9.15.2021
Version 2 is currently live and completed


date and time display

current & forecast weather

new york times trending articles

gmail connection

spotify connection

alexa integration

smart phone controls


to-do list

burn in prevention

auto page shift

custom samuel l. jackson voice